Tuesday, September 4, 2012

About me :)

Hi! i'm a highschool student in California and i'm really interested in interior design.  I am a freshman this year (class of 2016).  to start of my blog i want to tell my readers a little about myself.  To start of i have 2 dogs, their names are C.J. and he is a beagle and there is Romeo, he is a Great Pyrenees.  I moved to California from Colorado a little over a year ago, although i was born in San Fransisco i lived most of my life in a little town in Colorado.  I play water polo for my school and really enjoy it! My favorite color is purple, although i like rainbows too!  I found i had an interest in interior design in 5th grade.  All my friends at the time wanted to be fashion designers and i did too for a little while.  i decided i wanted to be different but i really enjoyed matching things and putting colors and textures together but i didn't want it to be on clothes.  i started looking at magazins and wished i could have a room like the ones in Pottery Barn or Simple Living.  I thought about it and decided one day that i wanted to be someone who creates the layouts and style for those rooms!  Well know you know a little about me.  i would love to hear about you guys! you can contact me at colorsplashdesign@gmail.com ... i can't wait to hear from you and i hope you keep reading my blog! I will try to post weekly!

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