Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Pink Cushion Chair

Intex Pink Café Chair

This awesome chair is available at Target for only about $30. I really feel like this could tie together a couple different styles of rooms.  The unique shape of the chair reminds me of a dorm.  this is definetly something i would want in my college dorm!  Let me know what you guys think and share some pictures and places you like to shop!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Colors can go together in so many ways, from the traditional contrasting all the way to monotones or even obre effects and more! I love using the matching 2-3 different colors in all different shades to create something amazing!...how do u like to use and match color?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

About me :)

Hi! i'm a highschool student in California and i'm really interested in interior design.  I am a freshman this year (class of 2016).  to start of my blog i want to tell my readers a little about myself.  To start of i have 2 dogs, their names are C.J. and he is a beagle and there is Romeo, he is a Great Pyrenees.  I moved to California from Colorado a little over a year ago, although i was born in San Fransisco i lived most of my life in a little town in Colorado.  I play water polo for my school and really enjoy it! My favorite color is purple, although i like rainbows too!  I found i had an interest in interior design in 5th grade.  All my friends at the time wanted to be fashion designers and i did too for a little while.  i decided i wanted to be different but i really enjoyed matching things and putting colors and textures together but i didn't want it to be on clothes.  i started looking at magazins and wished i could have a room like the ones in Pottery Barn or Simple Living.  I thought about it and decided one day that i wanted to be someone who creates the layouts and style for those rooms!  Well know you know a little about me.  i would love to hear about you guys! you can contact me at colorsplashdesign@gmail.com ... i can't wait to hear from you and i hope you keep reading my blog! I will try to post weekly!